Education and Culture

It is through the exchange of language skills, ideas, historical awareness, and social values that we create the closest possible connections between our peoples. To that end, Qatar and the US can take pride in a number of advances.

Education City

  • At present, six world-class American universities have established branch campuses in Qatar’s Education City, a flagship initiative of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.
  • US universities in Qatar include: Virginia Commonwealth University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, and Northwestern University.
  • Education City serves thousands of students from more than 85 countries, with graduates obtaining degrees identical to those of students studying in the US.
  • Each year, Qatar spends over $875 million funding research and development in Education City, transforming it into a hub of academic excellence in the Middle East.

Education in Qatar

Additionally, there are other active and developing student exchanges occurring between the US and Qatar. Dozens of Qatari students, including scholarship students, are now studying in the US.

Arabic language curricula for American students have proliferated, whether at top universities such as Georgetown or in programs like those supervised by Qatar Foundation International, a US-based member of Qatar Foundation dedicated to connecting cultures and advancing global citizenship through Arabic language and Arab cultural education.

Education City
(Qatar's Education City)